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What the Report says

There are so many lies being spread  about the ecology. Fresh off the Cantagalli presses, the XII Report of the Observatory Cardinal Van Thuân exposes the lies of the ideological ecologism that is now reaping extensive consent, also in the Church. The authors of the Report – entitled ECOLOGISM AND GLOBALISM, NEW  POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES – explain that: human emissions of carbon dioxide have no impact on global warming as people continue to assert;  the European Union’s green programme is replete with ideology and too much regulatory centrism, but very little science; the ‘dogma’ of the depletion of natural resources is not based on data, and the renewable resources are not as green as people say they are; the Catholic theology of creation is by no means a basis for today’s apostolate-style approach to environmentalism; underdevelopment pollutes more than development; furious ideological ecologism is reaping havoc in many European nations; and more than this. . .

Just like every year, the Observatory’s Report presents a series of scientific studies followed by a cluster of current reports on the situation in the five continents in order to provide a reading of the pulse of the situation in the world. These continental updates reveal, for example, that China is the major world polluter, even though it comes across as the source of the main solution with its “Chinese method”; during the Synod on Amazonia the Catholic Church also gave in to the environmentalist ideology; the Netherlands is a country weakened and literally being destroyed by a paranoid and senseless ecologist policy; Poland is in the throes of violent protest marches organized by pro-environmental groups; France is striving to camouflage its spiritual malaise with its ecological and solidarity-based transition; forging ahead in the European Union is a sort of environmentalist socialism; the cause of the ecological default of African countries can be ascribed to these African societies themselves more so than to western nations; Protestantism is behind the origins of ecologism in the United States.

In other words, the Report goes against the tide, and uses scientific arguments to demolish the main clichés of customary environmentalist ‘speak’ now so dominant and oppressive for public opinion. It is to be recognized as meritorious for opening people’s eyes.

This XII Report has been drafted and compiled by the Observatory Cardinal Van Thuân together with other national research centers such as the Rosario Livatino Study Center and the Magna Carta Foundation, as well as international centers in other European countries and Latin America.  .


Who the authors are

Luiz Carlos Molion, Brazilian scientist – Rev. Mauro Gagliardi, Italian theologian – Domenico  Airoma, magistrate and vice-president of the Livatino Study Center – Antonio Casciano, expert in bioethics and bio-law –  Gianfranco Battisti, geographer at the University of Trieste – Gaetano Qugliariello, senator and president of Magna Carta  – Mario Giaccio, scientist of economy and the technology of energy sources

The reports from the five continents were written by:  Julio Loredo (Amazonia), Stefano Magni (China), Fabio Trevisan (USA), Anna Bono (Africa), Luca Volonté (European Union),  Silvio Brachetta (France), Hugo Bos (Netherlands), Luca Pingani (United Kingdom), Andrea Mariotto (Italy), Grzergorz Sokolovski (Poland), Marcelo Imperiale (Argentina).




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Stati Uniti. Le origini protestanti del climatismo americano

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Africa. La “bancarotta ambientale” degli Stati africani ha cause africane

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Unione Europea. L’utopia socialista e atea nell’ambientalismo UE

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Francia. La transizione “ecologica e solidale” di una Francia profondamente ammalata

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Olanda. La follia verde che tenta di distruggere i Paesi Bassi

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Italia. L’ecologismo di maniera dei Friday for Future

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Polonia: L’azione della Chiesa cattolica e l’ecologismo disumano

Marcelo Imperiale

Argentina. Evoluzione e attualità dell’ambientalismo nella Repubblica Argentina


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Stefano Fontana
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Direttore dell'Osservatorio Card. Van Thuận